Welcome to NGSI Library JavaScript

The NGSI library for JavaScript is a software tool with the aim of transforming JSON entities to NGSI data models, which can be manipulated by the FIWARE Orion Context Broker. This library has been developed for its use in applications through RESTful web services or backend, with the Node.js execution environment; also, this library can be used in the development of mobile applications with frameworks that use JavaScript as programming language to develop Android or IOS native applications, such as React Native or Native Script. The NGSI library is a client of the Orion Context Broker that provides functions for transforming non-structured JSON objects in FIWARE-NGSIv2 entities. In addition, this library implements functions for analyzing NGSI entities and determine their match with an official data model. In the present documentation are described the modules that composes to this NGSI library. The User’s Manual and the Admin Guide cover more advanced topics about the library.