JSON Parser Functions

The component JSON parser analyzes the content of complete JSON entities, JSON entity attributes or attributes values, and converts them in objects with FIWARE-NSGIv2 format. The functions of this component are the following:

Parsing an Attribute Value

When you want to parse an attribute value to the format NGSI, you can use the parseValue() function. This function receives as a parameter the value of the attribute, the data type of this attribute value must be a data type supported by the ngsi-parser module described in this section. Example:

    var value = ngsi.parseValue(50)


        "value": 50,
        "type": "Number",
        "metadata": {}

Parsing an Attribute

An attribute NGSI of a context entity can include metadata or not. These metadata describe additional characteristics of the attribute. Next sections present two situations for parsing and converting the JSON attributes to NGSI attributes.

Attribute without metadata

When you want to convert an attribute without metadata to a NGSI attribute, you can use the parseAttrs() function. This function receives as parameter a JSON with the name and value of the attribute. For example in the next fragment of code, the parseAttrs() function receives as parameter a JSON with the attribute temperature with value of 50.

    var attribute = ngsi.parseAttrs({
        temperature : 50

The parseAttrs() function returns the attribute temperature with value of 50 converted in an attribute with NGSI format. Output


Attribute with metadata

When you want to convert an attribute with metadata to a NGSI attribute, you can use the parseAttrs() function as the example above, but in the definition of the attribute you must include the metadata. For example, in the next fragment of code, the parseAttrs() function receives as parameter a JSON with the following: the attribute temperature with value of 50; and as metadata of this attribute, the attribute frequency with value of 50, and the attribute scale with value Fahrenheit.

    var attribute = ngsi.parseAttrs({
        temperature : {
            value : 50,
            metadata :{
                frequency : 50,
                scale: 'Fahrenheit'

The parseAttrs() function returns the attribute temperature and its metadata converted to the NGSI format. Output


Parsing an Entity

When you want to convert a complete JSON entity, you can use the parseEntity() function. The parseEntity() function receives as parameter the JSON object of a non-structured context entity, and returns this same JSON object but converted in a NGSI entity. In the next example, the parseEntity() function receives the JSON of the entity with id: Room1, and its attributes temperature and dateCreated.

    var entity = ngsi.parseEntity({
        id :'Room1',
        temperature : {
            value : 50 ,
            metadata : {
                frecuency: 40,
                scale: 'Celsious'
        dateCreated: new Date()

The parseEntity() function retunrs the JSON entity with id: Room1 converted in a NGSI entity. Output


Types of errors returned by the JSON Parser

The JSON Parser can produce different types of errors depending of data received in each of the functions: parseValue(), parseAttrs and parseValue(). This are described below:

Errors in the parseValue() function

The parseValue() function expects by default a valid NGSI data type. This function returns the following error to an invalid input: Data Type not supported, please check the Data Types Supported in https://ngsi-js-library.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ngsi/

An example of invalid input is the following:


An example of valid input is the following:


Errors in the parseAttrs() function

The parseAttrs() function expects by default a JSON as input. This function can receive the following invalid inputs:

  1. ngsi.parseAttrs({ attrName: undefined}). This is an invalid input where is not defined a valid NGSI data type for the attribute. In this case, the parseAttrs() function returns the error: Data Type not supported, please check the Data Types Supported in https://ngsi-js-library.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ngsi/
  2. ngsi.parseAttrs(0). This is an invalid input where is not defined a JSON as parameter of the parseAttrs() function. In this case, the function returns the error: Expected JSON.

An example of valid input for the parseAttrs() function is the following:

ngsi.parseAttrs({}) //OK

Errors in the parseEntity() function

The parseEntity() function expects by default the definition of an entity through a JSON. The list of invalid inputs that can receive this function is the following:

  1. ngsi.parseEntity(0). The parseEntity() receives a number as parameter. This invalid input returns the error: Expected JSON
  2. ngsi.parseEntity({}). The parseEntity() receives an empty input. This invalid input returns the error: Missing id
  3. ngsi.parseEntity({id : "Room5"}). The parseEntity() receives a JSON as parameter, just specifying the id of the entity. This invalid input returns the error: Missing type
  4. ngsi.parseEntity({id : "Room3", type : "Room", other : undefined}). The parseEntity() receives an entity with an attribute undefined. This invalid input returns the error: Data Type not supported, please check the Data Types Supported in https://ngsi-js-library.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ngsi/

An example of valid input for the parseEntity() function is the following:

ngsi.parseEntity({id : "Room2", type : "Room"}) // OK